
FCAT for Juniors

Attention Class of 2012

If you did not pass the FCAT in your sophomore year, you NEED to sign up for the ACT and/or SAT as soon as possible. You may be able to fulfill the FCAT graduation requirement by taking and earning a certain score on either of these tests. I would recommend you start with the ACT. The next test date is September 11th and you must register by August 6th. Go to http://www.actstudent.org/ to register.

Online Study Plan Tool

GradeFix is a FREE online study plan tool. Once you create an account, you enter the classes you are taking and then any homework assignements, projects, quizzes, exams, etc that your teachers assign and it automatically creates a daily homework/study schedule for you. This is a great tool if you have a hard time keeping up with assignments, procrastinating on studying, or just don't want to use the old fashion paper planner.

Go to http://www.gradefix.com/ to try it out.


Darnell-Cookman High School Handbook

Please visit the new Darnell-Cookman High School Student Handbook. This site is still being updated with more information so check back regularly for updates.
