Time to start those college visits. The summer time is a perfect opportunity to go check out a college campus that you have not visited yet. Chances are that if you have visited a college campus, you weren't looking at it as a perspective student, so go check it out again.
Some things to look for:
-Housing options (What kind of dorms are available for freshmen and how much do they cost? Also check out some local apartments, could you afford to live there if you don't want to live on campus?)
-The activities available (Do they have the kinds of things you like to do, when your not studying of course. Are things within walking distance or would you need a car? Does the campus feel comfortable to you? It is important that you feel like it fits or you may not be happy there for 4+ years)
-Check out the facilities (Are things up-to-date? And no I don't mean everything has to be brand new, just well maintained and updated.)
TIP: Call ahead to say your coming for a visit and most colleges/universities will have someone give you a tour or at least say hello and answer your questions.